BC Hydro Site C Dam Reservoir Update

Public Engagement & Awareness

We remain on track to begin the reservoir filling process this month and are currently targeting to start early next week. This is subject to potential changes resulting from wildfires, significant rainstorms, or other operational considerations on the BC Hydro system.

It will take up to four months to completely fill the Site C reservoir. During the first week of reservoir fill, we will need to run our Peace Canyon and G.M. Shrum generating stations at near normal maximum levels. With one generating unit at Peace Canyon out for maintenance, we will conduct a small spill for about two to four days to replace the turbine flow of the single unit. BC Hydro’s dams are designed for the safe and controlled release of water.

As we referenced in our letter of July 31, 2024, the minimum flow we must always release from Site C is 390 cubic metres per second (m³/s), though there may be times during the reservoir filling period where flows coming out of Site C could be higher.

We would also like to remind river users that the existing boat launch within the reservoir area at Halfway River permanently closed on August 12. The public will not have access to the Peace River between Fort St. John and Hudson's Hope during reservoir filling and for at least one year afterwards until spring 2026, as we monitor for slope stability and erosion. During the early stages of reservoir filling, Peace River flows downstream of Site C are expected to be low, for approximately one month. As a result, river users may experience shallower conditions temporarily, with decreasing effects further downstream due to water from downstream tributaries.

For Alberta residents only:

Alberta Environment has set up a hotline to call, in the event of very low river flows, strandings, or groundings, through the reservoir filling period. Please use the Alberta EDGE (Environmental and Dangerous Goods Emergencies) number: 1-800-222-6514.

Finally, we will send another update to you to confirm that reservoir filling is underway. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact BC Hydro if you have any questions about Site C reservoir filling, toll-free: 1-877-217-0777, or by email: sitec@bchydro.com.

Bob Gammer
Community Relations Manager
Site C Project
Phone: 250 561-4858
Email: bob.gammer@bchydro.com