Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness Starts with You!

Disasters can strike at any moment, so let's get ahead of the game and prep ourselves for whatever comes our way. Know what to do and make sure you've got a stockpile of supplies to last you a week or more, including food, water, medicine, and crucial documents. And don't forget about your four-legged friends!

Being ready for the unexpected not only keeps you out of harm's way but also speeds up the journey back to your everyday routine. Plus, it frees up emergency personnel to help those most in need.

So, get ready to face the unexpected like a boss by checking out these emergency preparedness resources and developing your emergency plan!

Emergency Preparedness for Businesses

Disasters and emergencies can happen at any moment. It's important to be prepared, even businesses should be prepared and have plans in place in the event of an emergency.

Below are some tips to help you prepare your business for emergencies. 

Emergency Alert Apps and Websites

In addition to creating an emergency plan, you can also bookmark these websites or download their apps onto your smartphone!


FireSmart, a nationwide initiative, assists Canadians in enhancing their resistance to wildfires. Whether you're a homeowner, resident, business owner, local government, or part of an Indigenous community, you can make a difference through simple actions with long-lasting effects.

For over two decades, FireSmart has been creating practical, efficient, and science-driven programs to assist individuals in wildfire preparedness.

By implementing FireSmart actions to properly prepare your home and property you can reduce the risk of damage caused by wildfires. In addition to FireSmart actions, you should ensure that you have proper insurance on your home and property.

Learn more about FireSmart by visiting the FireSmart website or downloading the app!