Councillors sit on several boards and committees. The boards and committees can be internal, meaning they are committees that have been created internal to the County of Northern Lights. External boards and committees include various community organizations, such as FCSS, Library boards, Health services, and so forth.
Below is a list of both internal and external boards along with which councillors sit on the board.
County Internal Boards
Council Representatives: All of Council
The County of Northern Lights Agricultural Service Board (ASB) is composed of the County Council, who address agriculture issues on a monthly basis as well as three meetings per annum that focus solely on agricultural issues.
The vision of the Agricultural Service Board is:
To enhance and conserve the agricultural sector for the producers within the County of Northern Lights
The role of the ASB is to:
- Act as an advisory body to the Minister of Agriculture in matters of mutual concern
- Assist with direct weed and pest control and soil and water conservation programs
- Assist in the control of livestock disease under the Animal Health Act
- Promote, enhance and protect viable and sustainable agriculture with a view to the improving economic viability of the agricultural producer
- Promote and develop agricultural policies to meet the needs of the County.
Council Representatives: Linda Halabisky, Gloria Dechant
Council Representatives: Linda Halabisky, Alternate: Brent Reese
Council Representatives: Brenda Yasinski, Alternate: Kayln Schug
Council Representatives: Terry Ungarian, Gloria Dechant, Brent Reese, Alternate: Linda Halabisky
Council Representatives: Gloria Dechant, Terry Ungarian
Council Representatives: Gary These, Brent Reese
Council Representatives: All of County of Northern Lights and Town of Manning Council
Council Representatives: All of Council
County Representative: Lisa Robinson
Council Representatives: Terry Ungarian
Council Representatives: Terry Ungarian
County External Boards
Council Representative: Terry Ungarian
Visit the Community Rail Alliance website or follow them on X for more information about their advocacy efforts.
Council Representative: Brent Reese, Alternate: Terry Ungarian
Visit the Facebook page for up-to-date to information related to programs and services.
Council Representative: Gary These
Council Representatives: Brenda Yasinski, Alternate: Kaylyn Schug
Council Representatives: Gloria Dechant
Council Representatives: All of Council
Council Representatives: Brenda Yasinski, Alternate: Kayln Schug
Visit the Long Lake Regional Waste Management Commission (LLRWM) website for information related to their services.
Council Representatives: Gloria Dechant
Visit the Manning & Area Food Bank Society Facebook page for more information related to their programs and services.
Council Representatives: Terry Ungarian, Alternate: Gloria Dechant
Visit the Manning Co-Operative Seed Cleaning Plant Facebook page for information
Council Representatives: All of Council
Council Representatives: Reeve and Deputy Reeve
Council Representatives: All of Council
Council Representatives: Gloria Dechant
Visit the Manning Municipal Library website or Facebook page for information related to their programs and services.
Council Representatives: Terry Ungarian, Alternate: Brent Reese
Council Representatives: Terry Ungarian, Alternate: Brent Reese
Council Representatives: Full Council or Reeve, Deputy Reeve
Council Representatives: Full Council or Reeve, Deputy Reeve
Council Representatives: Kayln Schug, Alternate: Brent Reese
Council Representatives: Gary These, Alternate: Brent Reese
Council Representatives: Brenda Yasinski
Visit the Mighty Peace Tourism Association website or Facebook page for more information about their programs and services.
Council Representatives: Brent Reese, Alternate: Gary These
Council Representatives: Gary These, Alternate: Terry Ungarian
Visit the NPARA website or Facebook page for more information about their programs and services.
Council Representatives: Kayln Schug
Visit the North Peace Housing Foundation website or Facebook page for information about their programs and services.
Council Representatives: Kayln Schug
Council Representatives: Linda Halabisky, Alternate: Terry Ungarian
Visit the PLS website or Facebook page for more information about their programs and services.
Council Representatives: Gary These, Alternate: Brenda Yasinski
Visit the PREDA website for more information about their programs and services.