Vegetation Control

Roadside Spraying

The Roadside Spraying Program's objective is to control roadside weeds and brush. It is the responsibility of those individuals who do not want areas adjacent to their land sprayed to post a ‘No Spray’ warning sign with contact information and complete any resident weed control spraying annually by July 31.

Brushing Incentive

The County establishes an annual budget for brushing. There are specific criteria applicable to the incentive and the County must approve any proposed brushing prior to the commencement of proposed incentive work.

Compensation for brush removal will not exceed $2000.00/mile or $1000.00 per ½ mile. This is cost-shared 50/50 between the approved applicant and the County. 

Applications for the Brushing Incentive Program must be approved prior to any work taking place.

Completed Brushing Incentive applications can be submitted to the County's Agricultural Fieldman via email or

  • Mailed to: Box 10, Manning AB T0H 2M0
  • Dropped off in person at the County Administration office in Manning

Roadside Brushing and Back-Sloping Application Form

Prohibited and Noxious Weeds

Need help identifying potentially prohibited and noxious weeds? Check out the Alberta Invasive Plant Identification Guide or visit the Alberta Invasive Species Council website for more resources and information.