Rural Crime Watch

The County of Northern Lights is proud to be a local member of the Northern Sunrise Rural Crime Watch Chapter. As part of our dedication to the program, we will be using our newsletter and social media channels to promote awareness and education. Additionally, we encourage all County residents to register for the Rural Crime Watch Program and will be providing free Rural Crime Watch and No Trespassing signs to those who sign up.

Residents who wish to receive their free signs can do so by visiting the County administration office in Manning. Unfortunately, we will not be able to mail out the signs.

Guide Light Bulbs

To complement the Rural Crime Watch signs, the County has also made Guide Light Bulbs available for purchase. These dual-purpose bulbs replace your existing exterior front entrance bulb and aid first responders in locating your residence during an emergency. Here are some benefits of the Guide Light:

  • With the included key fob, you can change the bulb from a normal white light to a flashing red emergency light.

  • The flashing red light makes it easier for your home to be found, especially in inclement weather.

  • The flashing red light and siren alert intruders and neighbours of your emergency situation.

  • The Guide Light is visible day or night and helps you prepare for unexpected emergencies.

  • EMS/First Responders can find your home faster.

  • It's a lifesaver to bring help right to your door.

Residents can purchase Guide Light Bulbs for $40 each at the County Administration office in Manning. Due to their fragile nature, bulbs will not be shipped.