Presenting to Council

Any person, Business, Organization, or group of persons wishing to bring forth a presentation, update, request of sponsorship, financial request, or address an item not designated as a public hearing to Council may present by way of a Delegation.

The Council Agenda also has an ‘Open Mic’ section that gives an opportunity for the public to make comments or ask a question of the council. This open mic section is scheduled towards the end of the meeting and has no specific time.

Council meetings are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Curious about what the upcoming meeting schedule is? Check out the current Council calendar!

How to Appear Before Council as a Delegation

Any person or group of persons wishing to appear before Council shall give written notice to the Executive Assistant no later than noon on the Wednesday preceding the Council Meeting.

Include in the written notice:

  • Delegations are to provide the name and title of those speaking before Council and the name of the organization/business, etc.

  • Provide contact information.

  • A description of the subject matter and purpose of the presentation.

It's important to note the following:

  • The Executive Assistant will confirm a date, time and any documentation that will need to be provided. For example: Council’s Donation & Grants Application Form or other forms and documents.

  • According to Council’s Procedural Bylaw, Delegations shall be limited to 2 per meeting.

  • Delegations shall only speak on the matter which they have submitted.

  • Council meetings are public meetings and therefore, media personnel and other persons may be present. Media may use recording devices to aid in drafting meeting recaps for the local newspaper.

  • Any public input, feedback, or presentations to Council (or any of Council’s Boards & Committees) in the form of letters, emails, or in person, become part of the public record and may be published in a Council agenda package which is posted on the County website for public viewing.

Response from Council

Delegations expecting a response from Council (or any of the Council’s Board and Committees) may not receive an answer until after the council meeting. Council will discuss the presentation and make a motion of response or direct administration to acquire further information or clarification. Delegations can expect a written response from Council or Administration.

Where a matter has been presented to Council and has been dealt with by Council in any final matter (decision to fund, not fund, etc) such matter shall not be heard by Council again until 6 months has elapsed from the time when Council disposed of the matter.